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The Project.

The journalism representation index — JeRI — offers news outlets and media watchdogs a rare view of how journalists fare in representing all key stakeholders in stories of heightened public interest.

JeRI offers a performance index about the variety and depth of sources, reporters are representing. This evaluation offers valuable insights into stories of particular importance.

Our Collaborators.

The Project.

The journalism representation index — JeRI — offers news outlets and media watchdogs a rare view of how journalists fare in representing all key stakeholders in stories of heightened public interest.

JeRI offers a performance index about the variety and depth of sources, reporters are representing. This evaluation offers valuable insights into stories of particular importance.

How JeRI works with you.


Identifies journalism sources ("named entities"), i.e. citizens, politicians, activists, experts, celebrities


Categorizes sources it has detected into structure grounded in communications framing theory


Weights sources in relation to prominence in text


Produces an aggregate index based on categories and prominence